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Home > Snowboard > Snowboards > Kids' Snowboards > Head Rowdy Snowboard - Kids' (Item #336620)

head rowdy snowboard - kids'

 Head Rowdy Snowboard - Kids ' Hover to Zoom



Item # 336620

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The Head Rowdy Snowboard is a rough and tough stick for kids to learn on. The board's cap construction and full wood core guarantee that it will last out a kids learning curve while a forgiving rocker make the progression from falling leaf to flat land tricks and first spins fun and catch-free.
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Description +

The Head Rowdy Snowboard is a rough and tough stick for kids to learn on. The board's cap construction and full wood core guarantee that it will last out a kids learning curve while a forgiving rocker make the progression from falling leaf to flat land tricks and first spins fun and catch-free.

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